Camping Recipe: Delicious Ways to Upgrade Your Hot Dogs

If you’re hosting a grill out at the campground and want to find a way to make it more delicious for everyone, check out these amazing camping recipe tips for improving your hotdogs. We will show you four delicious ways to upgrade your next hotdog roast.

more dogs with toppings

Try New Toppings

The easiest way to upgrade your hotdogs is to add new toppings. Personally, I like to top my hotdogs with fresh tomatoes and red onion, as well as some pickles and a little mustard. But you can add toppings like grilled onions and mushrooms, chili, pickled cabbage, and roasted corn. We’re just about anything else to make your hotdogs more delicious.

dogs on buns with toppings

Add a Glaze

The next great way to add, some flavor is to glaze your hotdog before roasting. Barbecue sauce is an excellent and easy way to add some flavor, but you can also try making a honey mustard glaze or even coating them in a dry rub like you would a steak before roasting.

dogs on grill seasoned

Upgrade Your Buns

Let’s agree that standard hotdog buns are flavorless and don’t really add anything to the dish other than making it easy to get the hotdog to your mouth with all the toppings. Next time you’re hosting a cookout, upgrade your hotdog buns by picking some pretzel buns or ciabatta buns. Honestly, anything is better than the standard white bread buns you can get at the store.

dogs on buns

Buy High-Quality Franks

Lastly, the best way to make your cookout even more flavorful is to find high-quality franks. Whether you are using hot dogs or bratwurst, paying a few extra dollars for something with better ingredients and more flavor is definitely worth it.

dogs on grill

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